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Why feminism in Nigeria will remain a failure

One but wonders whatever happens to the gender of Fúnmilayọ Ransome-Kuti, Queens Mọremi (of Ilé Ifẹ) and Amina (of Zaria). We are two genders that share some physical components but different in reactions to phenomenal in their entirety.

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If a personal opinion is welcome I would say the ideation of feminism in Nigeria does not exist. What we have here are females who are displeased with historical and religious traditions of ‘man supremacy’ (no wonder aboriginal feminists went down to rewrite the Bible!), those who are allergic to female weaknesses, scientific facts regardless; victims of broken homes who had watched mothers struggled and cried, social media handlers who are fascinated about the idea, those who are greatly wounded by physical, sexual-cum-psychological abuses on women; they may be victims themselves, related to victims or heard stories and those who have rancours with social institutions and setups.

For one thing, some of these can be rectified and some cannot, i.e historical/religious stories. In the former, there would be total and continous campaigns/orientations for the two genders, especially the incoming generation.

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Also, any of the two genders is weak; they have their areas of strengths and weaknesses. And I don’t think any of the two (gender)’s weaknesses should be exploited. Yet we can’t deny the obvious. If we can’t sweep basic truths under the carpet we ought to embrace them. So I say an axiom: recognise your strengths and work on your weaknesses.

Now, let me elucidate why feminism in Nigeria would remains a failure.

First, females project themselves as weak. Science and social institutions apart. I don’t think I ever saw any organisation or movement propagating manhood. But by the creation and making awareness for women rights, you would agree with me, even incoming generation would be educated, when enquired reasons behind such organisation – women are being exploited!

Secondly, there are ladies out there of this generation but not of this age. What do I mean? It’s said a beggar has no respects. Believe me, whatever amount of respect you have for women would dissolve when you witness or hear stories how depend on their lovers (males) for survival during courtship. Someone seems to put it alright when he said, “once you toast (woo) a lady, she becomes cashless, homeless, clothless, parentless, familyless, etc”. There is no more elucidating words.

Ladies nowadays need proper education (I didn’t mention school) to what being a woman is. If there are not so dependent on men for survival, especially on emotional and financial reasons, no man would have the audacity to bullshit you.

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I call this ‘Thwart Legionnaires’ because they thwart whatever efforts being made by active feminists to liberate and equalise womanhood. This could due to ignorance, nonchalant, non-support of the plan. This is the third reason.

And the fourth? There are those who are merely fascinated with the idea. They only make noises ‘upandan’.

When would these ladies be career-oriented, strive and be C.E.Os? When would they stop these nauseating discussions on polygyny, as if they are not permitted to practise polyandry?

Credit: Jimoh Taofik Adekunle; img credit: The Guardian

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