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China confirms Coronavirus airborne, reports

A recent publication by revealed China has confirmed the pandemic, Coronavirus airborne, a publication which later disappeared.

As seen on Google SERP page, the publication was screen munched, see below;

Coronavirus airborne

The content of the publication was copied before it disappeared, shown below;

The deadly coronavirus is airborne, a Shanghai official has confirmed.

On Saturday it was announced the virus can now spread via aerosol transmission – meaning it can drift through the air for an extended period of time and cause infection if breathed in.

“Aerosol transmission refers to the mixing of the virus with droplets in the air to form aerosols which causes infection after inhalation,” Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau deputy head Zeng Qun is quoted as saying by China Daily.

The discovery of the disease being airborne means coronavirus now has three modes of transmission.

Direct transmission occurs when a person breathes the air close to an infected person who has coughed or sneezed.

Contact transmission is when a person touches a contaminated surface then infects themselves by touching their mouth, eyes or nose.

However, the link to the article was recently accessed only to discover the content has been pulled down;

Coronavirus airborne

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