Chronicles Of Tonio Lawrex | Episode 2
Marindoti We have travelled an adjourned journey Of serenity into a piteous polluted piety In obsolescence of light,…
The longlist for the 2019 Nigeria Prize for Literature has been announced by the Nigeria LNG Limited, which…
Fear bin wan tiff my shine-shine Sake of say Warri pikin sabi worri-worri but as my head take…
In the innermost chamber of my heart Lies the uttermost beauty of the earth; Ornamented like lovely lilies,…
LIFE Life is real Life is earnest, And the grave is not it’s goal Dust thou art, to…
Download Running Anthology Once the reader is plunged into the anthology ‘Running’, he is soon immersed in…
The objective of (ICRMIET-19) is to present the latest research and results of scientists (preferred students, Postgraduate Students,…
HOW TO MANAGE CRITICISM (AS A WRITER I) That you have a hubris (writing flaw) doesn`t makes…
After all said and done, the 2018 Growth Contest has come to an end. A totality of 72…
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