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Scarlet Anatomy Anthology


Scarlet Anatomy is the collected works (poems & stories) submitted for 2019 FWGE. This anthology is themed on love, lust, friendship, and every other subtheme related to human relationship.

Distributed by: ACEworld Publishers
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Scarlet Anatomy is the collected works (poems & stories) submitted for 2019 ACEworld Magazine February Writers Gallery Edition, of course those that made it through the editorial desk. This anthology is themed on love, lust friendship, and every other subtheme related to human relationship.

This anthology, initiated by ACEworld Magazine, edited by Aremu Adams Adebisi and co-authored by 60 different writers and poets from Africa and its Diaspora is the first issue of Writers Gallery Edition.

According to the editor,

Words, mostly flowery, serve as a consent-weapon for a love-african, or as it would be said, the gatekeeper of the door to consensual intimacy. The concept of touch-and-rub-and-kiss is alien to Africa and does not mean weakness in Africans’ intimate relationships. Our first belief is in the word. Thus this anthology demonstrating the development of love poetry through words, albeit contemporary, exploring the different ways that love can be interpreted— testifies to love poetry longetivity and endurance.

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