Of recent, there has been a proliferation of themes associated with “boys”. From dissent about boys who suffered rape to argument bordering on the neglect of the male child, and the discourse regarding whether boys should cry or not; there is an ongoing concern about the need to turn attention to the male child, without neglecting the female child, of course!
There is some element of legitimacy here. There is an overt acceptance that the male child should know better, while the female child becomes the attention of society, with such attention overbearing and excessively protective. Since the existence of the male child is built on assumptions, society is left to deal with the consequences of his actions.
This laxity on society’s part becomes the central focus of Silas Bamgbola’s experimental incursion in Lost Boys.
Boys Are Not Stones Anthology II: A Country of Broken Boys is the second issue of Boys Are Not Stones Movement jointly published by Poemify Publishers and ACEworld Publishers, edited by Jaachi Anyatonwu, Jamiu Ahmed, John Chizoba Vincent, Uchende Njieonye, Maxwell Onyemaechi Opia Enwemuche and Ebubechukwu Bruno Nwagbo, featuring over 240 creative works from poets, writers and critical analysts from Africa and beyond
“Testament of a mad man” is the trail of fire that his poetry aims at tracing in his readers’ minds to burn them clean.
Samuel Ayoade’s collection commences with fits of fiery passion to rise crescendo to a pyre which turns out to be a bonfire. Beginning with an extended metaphor on the David versus Goliath theme, the author then offers five ardent love poems, before spreading into thirteen short pieces on a paradox called Nigeria and culminating in sixteen longer satires on the present demise of his country.
The poet flares up in flamboyant flames of poetic indignation to expose what he defines as madness. But whose madness constitutes the central question.
“Life is a dead zone”, he states. “Death lives in our veins.” The scorching violence rampant all around him feeds his most sarcastic lines, as many scorching assessments of the situation. Poems such as Cashivorus, Polimatics or Evolution of Snakes denounce poverty, inequality or corruption in a mock scientific way whose causticity feels utterly enjoyable…
The literary world is gradually breeding rebels with the increase in the numbers of beautifully crafted rejection mails being sent out to creative writers daily, mostly without stated reasons. Many writers have dropped their pen. Some more are out there seeking other ways to validity. This anthology is simply the mirror to the fire burning within these poets, and also a revelation of what’s to come.
Boys Are Not Stones Anthology is a collection of artistic prowess of writers across Africa and beyond who understand the plight of the boy-child and gave their voice to the course.
For we who dreaded love is an anthology containing Micheal Ace’s poem ‘For we who dreaded love’ and other response poems by several other poets triggered by the subject.
Depression is psychological, a mental illness to which various observations and studies have been made on the causes and effects. Yet, it still lingers on like a plague, which does not, however, limits its troubleshooting. It can be solved because it has been solved among many others. Different strokes for different folks, but we all want answers at some points in our lives
Tukur Ridwan Ishola Olorunloba, a Nigerian poet and essayist has written his discovery about the subject with sixteen detailed and experimented points cutting across the nooks and crannies of a depressed mind.
Scarlet Anatomy is the collected works (poems & stories) submitted for 2019 FWGE. This anthology is themed on love, lust, friendship, and every other subtheme related to human relationship.
Book TItle: Sprinkles at the Horizon Author’s Name: Chijioke Victor, Peter Spark & John Chanda Publisher: ACEworld Publishers Year of Publication: 2021
Title: Earth on a Wheelchair Editor: Franklyn Orode (and Somadina M James) Publisher:ACEworld Publishers Year of Publication: 2020 File Size (on disk): 1.43MB File Type: PDF