Record 1-minute video & stand a chance to win $1000 in the ongoing #TMCChallenge
Over $1750 up for grab in the ItsREDTV #TMCChallenge.. The most creative video wins either $1000, $500 or $250.
The task is simple: Get creative with your video. Search #TMCChallenge on Triller and create a video and tag @ItsREDTV to it.
Watch the prompt below;
Originally tweeted by ACEworld Publishers (@AceworldP) on July 10, 2020.
Search #TMCChallenge on Triller and create a video and tag @ItsREDTV to it. You can win up to $1000.
— ACEworld Publishers (@AceworldP) July 10, 2020
For more information and to see samples, Click here.