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How Do You Define A Relationship?

by Oluwamayowa Adeniyi
“Well, to me, a relationship is a kind of union between a man and woman, boy and girl for mutual benefit”, she expressed.
“A relationship? What do you mean?” “Oh, it’s where two people who are in love, hang out, gist and share intimate moments”, he expressed and walked away.
“My own understanding of relationship is simple. It’s where me and my boyfriend talk to each other, help each other… and when I feel lonely, he comes around to keep my company and vice versa”, she said with a face beaming with smiles.
“It’s not bad to be in a relationship but many people have abused its original purpose. They have turned their relationship to a defiling zone while they waste their lives on the pursuit of vanities”, he stated bluntly.
One of the most misconstrued word aside love is relationship. Many think relationship to mean a do or die affair thing where all you do is to catch fun, hang out, satisfy your sexual desires and mess up your life. This is why you see more lives been destroyed in many godless relationship because of their selfish and carnal desires.
When it comes to opposite sex relationship, relationship could mean friendship, engagement or marriage. Let’s focus on friendship as it applies to opposite sex relationship.
When you call a thing what you think it is, you’ll only get the outcome of what it is to you.
God is not only interested in your marriage but in the kind of friends you have because it will affect your relationship with Him. Some people define relationship based on what they feel, see or think it should be but only few knows what God says about relationship.
In Proverbs 27:17, He expressly gave His thought on what relationship ought to be. “Iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.
Is that the case with your present relationship?
Many people are in relationships where their iron have been turned to a rubber. They went into the relationship intellectually sound, emotionally healthy, sexually pure, spiritually sensitive and psychologically balanced but after toeing the path that seems right in their eyes, they ended up in destruction.
Let me shock you. Any relationship you enter that doeS NOT add value to your life will destroy valuable things in you. Don’t be blinded by your emotions. A relationship is meant to make your life better and not mar it.
A lot of single brothers and sisters won’t be nursing their present predicament had it been they do not enter into the relationship in the first place.
It is better you are alone, hale, sound and hearty than to be in a relationship where your life is gradually reduced to a piece of bread on a platter of immorality.
Wake up! There’s more to life than running into a godless relationship. It is not a must to be in a relationship. It doesn’t matter who the person is to you. It doesn’t matter what they have helped you with, if they do not contribute to your growth and development in life, they’ll ruin you.
God’s relationship with Adam and Eve made their lives better. Any Godless person you enter into a relationship with will do to you what the serpent did to Eve.
Life is about relationships but it is not a must to be in an opposite sex relationship that won’t help you. The Holy Bible stated that “Blessed is the man (or woman), that walked not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stand in the way of sinners, not sit in the seat of the scornful” (Ps. 1:1).
The so-called boyfriend and girlfriend relationship many are dying to enter and are changing like clothes are relationships with ungodly people, sinners and scornful persons who even go to church.
Don’t watch your life destroyed because you were emotionally trapped in a toxic relationship.
Get serious with life. Get serious with God. We don’t need more people who are heart broken.
We’re tired of ladies who carnally made the choice to lose their virginity and go about singing that all men are the same. We’re tired of hearing men say ladies are wicked.
Purpose must come before the need of a partner. You have no business in a relationship when you’re underage, immature and still dependent on others for help.
If you’re not ready to be married, at most in the next two years, why must you be in a relationship? What are you looking for?
Who has beguiled us and made us believe that we must be in a relationship, as if we cannot exist without a relationship with the opposite sex in the first place?
Who has made you to believe that those who don’t have boyfriend or girlfriend aren’t social or they’re SU?
I write this to everyone who care to listen, get out of that relationship that does not help you succeed in life and that’s killing you softly, I don’t care if it’s helping you financially.
Run back to God and be serious with your destiny now!
Any relationship that does not help you grow will leave you groaning in pain, misery and destruction.

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