Forever Mine, Poem by Ayouba Toure
The time, when is going to be?
Before you, I shall stand;
With your chest greeting mine;
Very close and tight.
By your lovely spirit, I am anointed;
For the holy spirit I’ve thwarted.
When darkness falls;
The lamp I need to show me the way.
On my heart, these are the words written:
‘Beyond the globe, everyday I’ll take thy;
My kidneys, I’ll trade to pay thy bride price.
Happily, together we’ll ever live;
For thy dowry, millions of gold I’ll pay.’
On my heart those words are spilled;
Not for I’m wise.
But verily,
Thou shall be mine forever.
Muslim with Mandingo being my ethnicity; I was born on February 20,
2003. I’m currently studying civil engineering at the university of