Call For Participation | Black Pride Magazine
From the team of BLACK PRIDE Magazine, the magazine publication geared towards the sensitization and the promotion of the respect of the black man, we would be celebrating women with an embodiment of African culture, women that finds joy in promoting and appreciating African culture on our facebook page (Âblackpridemagazine ).
Send to us on whatsapp through this number (+2348141265796) your pic, showcasing the African culture, coupled with your name and short profile.
It will be posted on our facebook page the following day.
The pic with the highest ‘likes’ on the page recieves an electronic award from us, online promotional campaigns in any of our activities throughout the month, and get a free BLACK PRIDE Magazine vest.
Submission of pics start from 5th till 15th of September.
Voting starts immediately your pic has been uploaded to the page and ends on 25th of September.
As a participant, you are required to invite people to like your pic and the page at the same time.
Adigun Temitope Idealism (DATI)
Chime Vivian
Entertainment Editor, BLACK PRIDE Magazine