Songs from the heart by Akeem Soliu Eniola
Author: Akeem Soliu Eniola
Foreword: Tukur Ridwan
Review: Yekeen Habeeb Olayide
Genre: Poetry
Year of Publication: 2020
Publisher: ACEworld Publishers
ISBN: 978-978-58196-5-6
No. of Pages: 49
Size: 1MB
Songs from the heart is a beautiful collections of love, drama, appreciation of nature and themes that rally round humanity through the bard’s experience in his youthfulness. This is not subtle in its telling. Akeem Soliu Eniola has skillfully and effortlessly explore a series of social menace as they affect the general populace.
This anthology becomes healing, rediscovering and pathfinder blueprint. Throughout this chapbook, you will read no poem without an atom of lullaby of hope. With this, he has approved, he could be a blessing to humanity. Overall, songs from the heart is a great starting point as poet’s debut in the literary arena. For me, it says; how we move on without being break come what may of bending, ups and downs in our lives.
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