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Practical Steps On How To Set Up An Online Store For Your Small Business

Are you still running your business without an online store in 2021? You still wonder why you’re not selling enough? An online store is the answer.

It is worrisome that a lot of small businesses are yet to realize the great power of an online store. It would interest you to know that lots of small businesses make lots of profits from selling their goods online.

You too should get an online store. In this article, we’ll be sharing practical steps on how to set up an online store for your small business in a few lucid paragraphs.

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The first step to building an online store is choosing a website builder. There are a variety of website builders that you can use. Some of them are so simplified that even a tech novice can navigate his/her around it.

Wix is a good website builder for small online stores, and it has a trial period that lasts for about two weeks. During this trial period, you can find out more about the website builder and learn about its little intricacies.

After finding a website builder, the next step is finding a suitable plan for you. You can either choose a weekly plan or a yearly plan depending on your budget.

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Some monthly plans are as low as $10. Isn’t that amazing? You can always go with a plan that fits into your designed budget. After choosing a plan, you can proceed to choose a domain name.

Practical Steps On How To Set Up An Online Store For Your Small Business

Your domain name is simply that letter that is unique to your website in a URL. You do not have to get a new domain name if you already have one. Simply incorporate it into your website. Your domain name distinguishes your brand from every other.

The next step is picking a template. Your template determines how your website appears. There are a variety of templates available.

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All you need to do is find the one that suits you best. After picking a template, customize it. This customization encompasses the font style, size and others. As well as display options and customer experience.

You can then go on to add your products to your website. But it doesn’t end here. Add the prices of each product as well as the description. Your product description should be clear and straight to the point. This makes it easy for your buyers and you. You won’t have to answer unnecessary questions.

Lastly, sort out your payment terms. Nothing drives a customer away from an online store other than complex payment options. Afterwards, sort out the shipping process.

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We advise that you fix prices for different regions. Also bear in mind that exorbitant shipping fees are discouraging. Some sellers tend to add to the cost of shipping. This is a bad way to make profit. Never do it.

Do you now see that creating an online store for your business is no rocket science? Follow these simple steps and get your online store ready in a little time!

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