Poetry: Flames by Olayiwola Faith Adedolapo
Haiku (Flames)
Loneliness and bashful
Draws from all envy and frights
Till hearts melts like wax
Friendship and boldness
Makes us walk as an army
And speak as sole being
Norm shields man from the
Truth and makes law a mockery
To all who hears it
We beg to live and
Find protection on the street
Still death finds us fit
Rain washes away
Dirt, pains, heats and leaves us to
Shed away our being
Desiring and lust
Love, an enticing feeling
That drives man insane
So when my thoughts shall
Rise up to the other side
Will I then say Flames
Olayiwola Faith Adedolapo is a Nigerian. She lives in a castle where love does not exist but peace and understanding does.