Opportunity: Submit to Praxis Magazine’s Chapbook Series
- Manuscripts that do not abide by these guidelines would be unattended to. Please read carefully:
- Manuscripts MUST be the original work of entrants.
- Only manuscripts written in English are accepted.
- Under no circumstances can alterations be made to manuscripts once entered.
- Under no circumstances will the editors or the Praxis team enter into discussions with entrants who have submitted manuscripts.
- The editors’ decisions are final. They reserve the right not to select any manuscript during this or any reading period if, in their opinion, such an action is justified.
- The editors will not enter into any correspondence with entrants regarding their final decisions.
- People who have submitted manuscripts in the past can re-submit, but advisably with a new manuscript.
- The entrants whose manuscripts are selected MUST be available via email to reply promptly to correspondence.
- If your work is selected, we reserve the rights to archive your work on our website and to use your work, with credit given to you as the author, for promotional purposes. Otherwise, upon publication, all rights revert back to the author under the condition that you will credit Praxis Magazine Online as the original publisher of said manuscript should it or poems therein be republished.
- Manuscripts should be a minimum of 15 pages and not more than 25 pages in length (not including title page, acknowledgements, table of contents, etc.)
- The entire manuscript MUST be written in black ink: no colours.
- Each poem should begin on a new page.
- Include a title page with the title of the chapbook, your name, nationality, address (including country of residence), phone number and email address.
- Manuscripts should be single-spaced and written in a standard font and size (12pt. Times New Roman).
- Do not include pictures or illustrations with or within your manuscript unless they are an essential part of your manuscript.
- Include a table of contents and, if applicable, an acknowledgements page. Individual poems in the manuscript may have been previously published, but the manuscript as a whole cannot have been already published.
- You may include a short biographical note, of not more than 100 words, at the end of your manuscript. It should be given its own page.