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Humans and Gender Wars by Amudipe Opeyemi Marcus

I really do want to believe that Humans are created to complement each other, human in the sense of both the male and female. Each with his or her own strength and weaknesses, we are meant to play our gender roles well without having to turn our existence into some sort of unending battles or competitions.

Sadly, the reality of our world has created an unequal society where the attention is on the Male Gender; where their certain privileges are attached to the male gender to the detriment of the girl child. The advocacy is that we all deserve equal treatment, nobody should be sidelined or treated unfairly just because of his or gender.

The fulcrum of this discourse is bored out of the gender wars that always occur whenever we have issues regarding both the male and female gender. It is no lie that the male folks needs to treat female folks better and with the respect they deserve, not just because they are women but because they are humans.

How will I feel if my girl child is treated unfairly just because of her gender? I served in the North where the gap between the male and the female gender is as wide as the heavens and the earth. Maybe we should put ourselves in their shoes. There it a whole different world for the girl child where she’s seen as a inferior to the male child. From having no voice of her own to the state of being treated like an object or a property all the days of her life is appalling.

We wake up to the increasing and heart wrenching stories of ladies raped. No matter the premises leading to the incident, rape is rape, there’s no other word for it. The penal codes of our lands should not go soft on a rapist. A rapist is not worthy to be called human. He’s better classified in the ranks of animals.

However, while we push the message out to men out there to act and live as a decent human will, one with the moral obligations to live right respecting his fellow humans, we must be careful not to always spark a gender war anytime issues like this occurs. The pain of some men these days is nothing but the growing instances of generalization that is taking the center stage of this discourse. Men are rapist!

Yes, some men have chosen to wear the cloaks of animals debasing themselves by violating a woman. However, not all men are rapist. The world has enough issues on its hands than to walk the slippery slope of generalizing all men as rapist.

How do I explain to my daughter that I’m not a rapist, that her brothers are not rapist when the world is moving to a place where the ordinary mention of the word “men” connotes everything evil? Do well to think about the mental toils it has on the health of the good men out there. A Rapist is a rapist. Once you are caught in the act, or proven to be one, it doesn’t matter whether you are a male or female, hell awaits you.

Most cases of rape recorded are perpetrated by men, no argument. Men that were once kids, this takes us back to the family life. Fathers and Mothers should train their children to be morally upright. Let us take a break on issues of who will wash plates or sweep the floors as husband or wives and for once face some of the salient issues threatening the survival of mankind. The survival of mankind, rests firmly on the institution of the family. Let’s teach our children the right way to live. Neglecting one sex for the other will create an imbalance society. The male child has been left uncensored, leaving our girl child in trouble. Don’t let us continue to make the same mistakes. Raise the girl child, raise the boy child. Teach them the right way to go so that when they grow up they teach another generation, Humanity overall!

Author: Amudipe Opeyemi Marcus

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