FWGE Day 11: Sorry Jane, Come Tonight by Chenjerai Mhondera.
Sorry Jane-‘t wasn’t your turn; Wasn’t it Nota first, Sophie and then Clara? I bet you were fourth; for if you were first, second or third I believe you would die; not from shock but from my love weighty and energy pounding inexhausted. There’s still a sense- normal and abnormal; sometimes dreams under Muhacha tree or far there on beaches of Cape, sometimes nightmares of love crashing violently in a horror. I hate to hurt that sense, for ‘f ‘t wasn’t ‘t I wouldn’t spell you correctly in the sequence. I have a dream that our episode they wait tonight; they say they’re tired of watching Korean pornography, Refiso- young love on Rhythm City. Shall we act porno or descence of romance? Oh no, I bet with descence, love’s false and artificial! Jane, remember that night we danced to pumping music; love fusing in our bones. Was ‘t at Rhythm City? Oh yes, I remember dimming club-lights closing our eyes narrow and slow- nuggets of lips loose; It was your tongue to reach mine; Me, in madness of romance pressing you tight me; You breathed fast- I lost pace; I’m sorry Jane. Come tonight- we finish episode. My hands are no clean- they drip with fluids of romance. Shall I mention one? Oh no, give me no chase- tonight I‘ll touch them all.
CHENJERAI MHONDERA is author of HURRICANE TORTURES OF NOW, HURRICANE TO THE WORLD, MANIFESTO#ANTHOLOGY OF PEACE, MASASI ACHINOZ (CHINOTIMBA JOKES), A CASE OF LOVE AND HATE. His works to date appear both locally and internationally in over twenty publications; anthologies, blogs, several online magazines and journals, included. He has also co-authored and co-edited some books and anthologies in the industry. He has prefaced several anthologies and books as well. He is a founder and patron of International Writers Association (IWA), formerly Young Writers Club – which helps to nurture and publish young and upcoming Writers. He is a citizen of the World, comes from the East and lives in Zimbabwe. His upcoming book M’CBETH AND I, is due availability on market on 14 February (Valentine Day)- lovers and prospects are encouraged to grab own copies to present as recent gift of Valentine.