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Coronavirus pandemic: What major cities of the world now look like

Self-isolation, quarantine has taken over the world as everyone is advised to stay at home unless necessary, and even then keep a distance of 3ft (1m) apart from one another to prevent contracting the Coronavirus pandemic.

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This video below shows what major cities of the world like Newyork, USA; Paris, France, Venice, Italy; Athens, Greece; Brussels, Belgium, Vatican City; Moscow, Russia; Wuhan, China, Beijing, China; and Shanghai, China now look like as the entire world is being hit by the Coronavirus pandemic

There is no reason for panic but the Coronavirus pandemic is threatening the world economy. Schools both in the junior and senior levels have been closed down, banks advise their customers to use mobile banking and stay at home, most industries are closed down, even some government agencies have directed their staffs to work from home.

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However, in this time of crises, what is required of us is to keep to instructions and stay safe, and like the directives given by the World Health Organization, here are five things you can do to prevent contracting the virus:

Coronavirus pandemic

For more information on the virus, visit CDC website.

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