Inhume Mirror by Umar Yogiza Jr | ACEworld
Inhume Mirror i’ve been pursued by dripping haunts silently & the resources within me are lean in my…
Inhume Mirror i’ve been pursued by dripping haunts silently & the resources within me are lean in my…
Brittle paper releases final list of winners after weeks of rigorous editorial work by the judges. 31 pieces…
CAGED BIRDS Once in my childhood I was caught and locked in a cage Like a bird At…
On intimate moments of the silent night, the music dances smoothly in the other room, the glitter, staining…
PAINTINGS If i could learn how to paint a living soul I could paint one for you Drenched…
A Nigerian journalist and LGBTQ Writer, Vincent Desmond has said that having kids is an inherently selfish thing on the part of…
Remembrance Have/ I/sold/my/soul/so/cheap// To/ the/spirits// That/devilshed/my/love/ for/ Allah// Have/I/sold/ my/piety/like/the// Valley/sold/its/fertility/to/the hills// Have/I/caused/sickness/to/the// Souls/of/my/brethren// Letting/me/lazy/of/prayer// My/faith/degrading/like/the/rocks// Worn/by/the/agent/of/denudation// My/soul’s/warriors/are/melting//…
You are not a man If you cannot quench your anger with quietness When woman vomits words…
Atonement today, I was scared to death// as I took my bath under a shower// I could see…
I stayed awake in awe in the stillness of the night. Everywhere was calm like the agents of…
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