
Showing all 2 results

  • Ajọ Enyi by Izunna Okafor

    500.00 Add to cart

    Author’s Full Name: Izunna Okafor

    Book Title: Ajọ Enyi

    ISBN: 978-978-485-455-6

    Publisher’s Name: Pona Publishers

    Book Category: Novel

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  • Girl In The Portrait by Samuel Amazing Ayoade

    1,000.00 Add to cart

    “Girl in the Portrait” is not just an ordinary novel but a novel with embodiments of thrilling concepts and its highly gratified suspense makes it a mystery to the reader. After reading the first chapter, the pen I was using to jot out some things paused, I paused, the manuscript paused and everyone around me paused! Why? Cause this storyline goes beyond our imagination of what a novel should be. However, this literary work is what a novel must be.

    Penning words on paper is not the only work of a good writer, he/she must know how to weave words that would make the reader glue to the story and that is what Samuel Ayoade did in this novel. His use of figurative expressions to garnish some sentences in the novel makes me want to read more. Not only that, he makes use of ‘Third Person Narrative technique’ to tell the story as a witness to the scenes portrayed in the novel and that act brought the idea of self-belonging to the senses of the reader. His knowledge of the literary works come to play when he incorporates the angle of explaining some literary terms in the novel. Therefore, if you are a writer and you need to learn some literary terms, just grab this book and read.

    There are much more to learn in this great literary work of Samuel Ayoade and I don’t think there’s anyone who wouldn’t benefit from reading this book.

    Adigun Temitope Idealism (Nigeria)
    Author, Lines on the seat (LOTS), Co-author, Adulthood is a scam
    Editor-in-chief, Black Pride Magazine

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