Before You Commit Suicide, Short Story by Julius Tunde Ige | ACEworld
Breaking it to the nearest logic, the question then is where does the shadow go when light creeps in? What happened to darkness when illumination overtakes the atmosphere? Do they hide in shame, waiting for light to get tired? Or do they wait for the night to come so they’d blend with the time??
He stood to leave. Plugged in his earphones and walked away gently through the back of the mosque. He needed to think about life and what it has offered so far. On his way, he saw obituary posters of young individuals. 23, 26, 22, 31, 28…. were the exit ages written on them. He became more bittered and convinced that this life had nothing to offer for if it had, it won’t take the lives of those it has something for. The other end should be sure but where the soul goes is still what he is yet to unravel.
“Was he expelled? Did he loose anyone? Did His girlfriend break up with him? Did…. What could have happened” were the questions he kept asking himself for hours as he watched the body of his friend turn in circles. He came to random conclusion that Christian sought way to find out where the soul was heading after death. But he wasn’t sure. Be needed to find out himself.
Just as he was about to throw the tablets to his mouth, a beep sound came from his phone. Resting to it, it was a text from his mum which read “I need you tomorrow, make out time for me.”.
On seeing this, goose pimples took over him and he was left in a state of dilemma on whether to leave or to live. But one thing struck him hard. His mother needed him that’s one sure reason to live.
Julius Tunde Ige is a poet and who centers on issues that concerns the society and humanity and has published two anthologies to his name. He is a student of Mass communication and has two anthologies to his name.
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