It is not the size of the book that matters. It is the big inspiration behind it. 
Get your ISBN today!

According to International ISBN Agency, an ISBN is essentially a product identifier used by publishers, booksellers, libraries, internet retailers and other supply chain participants for ordering, listing, sales records and stock control purposes. 

Importance of ISBNs include:

1. ISBN is your book’s identity in the global market
2. You want your books in the global supply chain? ISBN is the key.
3. Most recognized bookshops won’t feature your book without an ISBN

Want to read further? Read the 5 Reasons you should never publish your book without an ISBN.

❗️Do you know that only the National Library of Nigeria is authorized to issue ISBNs in Nigeria? Get your facts right first.

Yes. Which means 2 books cannot have the same ISBN. In fact, the e-book and paperback version of the same book should carry different ISBNs.

As each title from an author carries a unique ISBN, so should different formats of the same book.

On most books, the ISBN can be found on the back cover, next to the barcode. If a book doesn’t show the ISBN on the back cover, look on the page featuring the copyright and publisher information and the ISBN will be found there.

An ISBN number never expires. Even very old numbers with only 10 digits can be converted into a 13-digit code.

In Nigeria, ISBN is issued only by the National Library of Nigeria. So even when we handle the issuance for you, we are only taking charge of the online legwork on your behalf.

As a self-published author who sponsored the entire publication process of their book, the ISBN should be issued in your name.

Yes. We developed a tool you can use for this. It can help you validate the correctness of an ISBN using simple algorithm and it can also assist in searching for the number on the National Library of Nigeria’s portal.

The tool also provides a free barcode generator for your ISBNs.

How do you get an ISBN for your book?

You can get an ISBN as an author in 72 hours or less by using the ISBN online portal.

Now there are two ways to do this.

1. Do it Yourself (DIY). This requires enrolment in our course.
2. Service Request: We handle everything for you.

Processes Involved

– Account creation and verification
– Number request with book details
– Issuance and post-issuance processes.


If you’re using the DIY strategy, you’ll be paying a one time enrolment fee of #3,000 to buy a lifetime access to the course that shows you the practical step-by-step process of Issuance. This also comes with support. Check the course here.

If you are booking our Service Request, which means we do everything for you, kindly speak with us below to learn the pricing and steps involved.

Note: Legal deposit is important. You’ll need to process it after the publication of your book. We’ll provide you with the necessary guide on that.

Send an email to [email protected], or

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Verify ISBN

How can you be certain that this isn’t a fraud?

Let us break the entire process down into 6 different steps. 

Step 1.
When you allow us handle the ISBN Issuance for you, payment doesn’t come first. Payment only comes after we have filled your info and submitted your account for review.

Step 2.
The moment your account is approved, you’ll be the one to receive the mail from the National Library and then inform us to continue the process.

Step 3.
The Remita receipt of the amount we will pay to NLN for your ISBN will be sent directly to your mail.

Step 4.
You will receive a receipt from us at ACEworld PGS to confirm the payment of the service charge.

Step 5.
We’ll send you your portal URL and your username and password immediately after your number is out.

Step 6.
We’ll send you a link to a page to verify your ISBN both on our website and also on the NLN portal. We will also provide a free barcode for your number.

These 6 important points validate the fact that you are in control.

Call or WhatsApp on +2348072349777.

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