E-book Solutions
We offer e-book publishing solutions to authors with the highest formatting and distribution quality available, even with unmatched promptness.
Manual Distribution
We will globally distribute your books using Manual Distribution with your Dedicated and Independent Author Profiles. This gives you an ability to separately manage and maintain your projects on these individual platforms.
CLICK HERE for Full Details about Manual Distribution including the available platforms, pros and cons.
Lulu Global Distribution
With Lulu Global Distribution, you will have a centralized account on Lulu.com, and we will format your book for global distribution across Lulu’s retail networks: Amazon, Ingram, Kobo and 40,000 other book retailers and schools around the world.
CLICK HERE for Full Details about Lulu Global Distribution including the available platforms, pros and cons.
Draft2Digital Distribution
Draft2Digital distribute your ebook to all the major retailers online, plus hundreds of storefronts worldwide. You can choose which digital storefronts you want to publish to.
CLICK HERE for Full Details about Lulu Global Distribution including the available platforms, pros and cons.
Contact us
You won’t regret working with us. Reach out now to procced.
Get in touch with us on WhatsApp or via phone call at +2348072349777 or send an email to [email protected].
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Our Bookstore contain books that are published upon request from our authors and others alike!