Published: Si(gh)lent Night Anthology initiated by Akinrinade Funminiyi Isaac
To start with, before you read, ask yourself: what are my expectations in this anthology? The beauty of every work of art isn’t just about reading, appreciating, commenting, and critiquing…That’s why I wouldn’t want you to just read, but also listen to every single line with readiness to learn from it.
You might be wondering what the theme is all about…
“Si(gh)lent Night is a ‘mo(on)ment’ of sighs and wanders”. – Esv_Keks
Si(gh)lent Night is a collection of poems that focuses not just only on the birth of Jesus Christ; but it tends to bring into limelight: the dreadful, heartbreaking, silent moments that can make victims to take deep sighs, and illegal acts in the society we live today, as most of these acts happen at night.
The initiator of si(gh)lent Night, had therefore craved the indulgence of poets across the globe to weave words around the following sub themes: Rape, Robbery, Fetish crime, Prostitution, Domestic violence, Solitude, Christmas, among others.
Download Si(gh)lent Night Anthology here
See also…
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I enjoyed the reading of silent night.
I commend their efforts.
may our society change for good.
kudos to the initiator!