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Book Review: John Chizoba Vincent; A God In His Own Creativity | A Review Of For Boys Of Tomorrow

Classical thinkers employed classification as a way to define and assess the quality of poetry. What is generally accepted as “great” poetry is debatable in many cases. “Great” poetry usually follows the characteristics listed above, but it is also set apart by its complexity and sophistication.

“Great” poetry generally captures images vividly and in an original, refreshing way, while weaving together an intricate combination of elements like theme tension, complex emotion, and profound reflective thought. For examples of what is considered “great” poetry.

Download ‘For Boys Of Tomorrow’

In many instances, the effectiveness of a poem derives from the tension between the use of linguistic and formal units. With the advent of printing, poets gained greater control over the visual presentation of their work. As a result, the use of these formal elements, and of the white space they help create, became an important part of the poet’s toolbox. Modernist poetry tends to take this to an extreme, with the placement of individual lines or groups of lines on the page forming an integral part of the poem’s composition.

In its most extreme form, this leads to the writing of concrete poetry. When I read poetry that makes me close to tears, I won’t be flabbergasted, because poetry itself is a spirit and a spirit is not just call ‘spirit’ by its meaning but the positive changes. The beginning of my journey in this collection takes a close-related task that I can’t comprehend. Starting from the first poem till end – filled with depth.

What do we mean by: FOR BOYS OF TOMORROW?(this is not a rhetorical question) it’s a re-created question to be answered according to how you see it – if you can think outside the box. In my own perspective: Vincent is trying to give LIFE to the homeless and hopeless, that’s his best trend in convincing the critical crisis knitted to childrens’ names. How do we explain this? Vincent has given a better clear picture of the yet to be concluded discussion, in his expression:

“tomorrow holds a  greater testament  on  your faces. Forgive us  for marrying your  mothers even before their shy apples came  out to see the dark earth If the moon has to cry”. (From John Chizoba  Vincent’s FOR BOYS OF TOMORROW) what a great worded words. If tomorrow holds a greater testament on your face, what then Is your impact? We may not know/ we may act to be too cunning to amend.

Poetry has a long history,prosaic forms of writing. John Vincent used some  forms and conventions to suggest differential interpretation to words, or to evoke emotive responses.

Devices such as onomatopoeia,smile, metaphor and rhythm are sometimes best displayed.

I can say: the use of ambiguity,
symbolism, irony and other stylistic elements of poetic diction often leaves a poem open to multiple interpretations.
A resonance between otherwise disparate images—a layering of meanings, forming connections previously not perceived. Kindred forms of resonance may exist, between individual verses, in their patterns of rhyme or rhythm.
Some poetry types are specific.

John Vincent’s efforts to gets his thinkers to determine what makes poetry distinctive as a form, and what distinguishes good poetry from bad, resulted in ” poetics “—the study of the aesthetics. Which can be found in his expression:

“In the name of wearing rings to look prettier, Those are signs of modern slavery of morality”( from John Chizoba Vincent’s BLACK WOMAN)

This does not imply that poetry is illogical or lacks narration, but rather that poetry is an attempt to render the beautiful or sublime without the burden of engaging the logical or narrative thought process.

This “collection” approach views form as a key element of successful poetry because form is abstract and distinct from the underlying notional logic. This approach remained influential.

John Vincent’s poetic form is more flexible in modernist and continues to be less structured than in previous literary eras. Many modern poets eschew recognisable structures or forms, and write in free verse . But poetry remains distinguished from prose by its form; some regard for basic formal structures of poetry will be found in even the best free verse, however much such structures may appear to have been ignored.

Similarly, in the best poetry written in classic styles there will be departures from strict form for emphasis or effect.
Among major structural elements used in poetry are the line, the stanza or verse paragraph, and larger combinations of stanzas or lines such as

Also sometimes used are broader visual presentations of words and calligraphy. These basic units of poetic form are often combined into larger structures, called poetic forms which Vincent have poetically written.

“I am a poet describing nature, none of your business if I have mansion or live in a teary hut curse me or spit on the sand I step on, i chose the life I live now Destiny chose me for this dream It’s nobody’s business what I do” (From John chizoba Vincent’s NOBODY’S BUSINESS), Sometimes, poets, writers do go crazy when penning, not because they are drunk, but because their words are too experimental to define.

John Chizoba Vincent’s poetic diction can be the use of vivid imagery for effect. The juxtaposition of unexpected or impossible images is, for example, a particularly strong element in surrealist poetry. Vivid images are often endowed with symbolism or metaphor.

“we’ve built you bridges that will lead you to tomorrow the pieces of these skimpy mind of yours has been repaired down in the sea of knowledge have we made roses for you love at large and familiar beat of the heart shall follow”.(from John Chizoba Vincent’s FOR GIRLS OF TOMORROW), i thought this collection would be only based on BOYS alone, untill I came across GIRL’S PATCH, I was amused and satified with the knowledge behind this collection. John Chizoba Vincent make us to understand that there’s no way you talk about BOYS that GIRLS won’t appear, because they are both the salt of life – the valley of life.

John Chizoba Vincent’s poetic diction treats the manner in which language is used, and refers not only to the sound but also to the underlying meaning and its interaction with sound and form.

Many languages and poetic forms have very specific poetic dictions, to the point where distinct grammars and dialects are used specifically for poetry.

In conclusion, John Chizoba Vincent’s poetry  ranged strictly from the society,environment, children, of not ordinary speech patterns. He’s truly a god in his own creativity.

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