Participate in The 27th International Radio Playwriting Competition £2500 |ACEworld
Hosted by BBC World Service and the British Council, the 27th International Radio Playwriting Competition now calls for scripts from around the world.
– Writers from anywhere in the world, who live outside the UK, are eligible to apply.
– Both established and emerging writers are welcome to apply.
– Writers must be 18 years or older.
Application Procedure:
– Send a script of 53 minutes. Note that the script must have up to six central characters.
– Send a synopsis which outlines your play. The synopsis must be no longer than 400 words.
– The play must be written substantially or entirely in English.
– Entries must be submitted in one of the following ways:
– By post to the following address: International Playwriting Competition 2020, BBC Radio Drama, -Room 6015 BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London W1A 1AA, United Kingdom or, by email to the following email address: [email protected]
– £2500 sterling for the two winners.
– A broadcast of the winning play on the BBC World Service.
– A trip to London for the winner to see the winning play being recorded for broadcast.