FWGE Day 19: The Unknown Heart by Tomori Lateef
Moseying along the paths of lilies
In the garden of binaries,
I found a lovely yellow rose
Unique in splendour and sheen.
‘Pretty petite rose’, I ask, ‘You catch the eye’
But you are lonely so!
Have you no company?
Are you miserly with the nectar you own?
In all graciousness, she responds
‘Oh not so!
All roses, I know, are favourites of the eye
But my sweetness is for the heart reserved.
For the eyes are double and deceptive
But the heart is one and worthy.
So it is, I await the unknown heart
That knows the beauty in me
Beyond seeing the beauty on me.’
Pretty petite rose, were I not heartless,
My heart would be the lead with which
I would pencil some love on the pages of your petals.
Tomori Lateef writes under the sobriquet ‘The_Fore_Runner’. He is an ardent lover of art and creativity and majors in prose fiction and poetry. He has published three short stories and has a few awards and recognition up his sleeves. Follow on IG @ the_fore_runner or visit www.dforerunnerwrites.wordpress.com for more of his works.