FWGE Day 23: Loving You by Sinaso Mxakaza
I never knew how to love you
If you smiled my heart was okay
I stumbled around
seeking happiness
fixing myself
looking for a piece of me in everything
I believed we were one
When my world crumbled again and again
I saw you were your own beautiful mess
The world’s best poems come from heartbreak
and having lost loved ones
death, distance and
I listen to the heartbeats of many writers
beating on airwaves
missing, mixed with regret
and I know letting go isn’t easy
These are the things seasons do to us
like they do to trees and flowers
stripping us bare and changing us
Our hearts no longer spoke the same language
I hope you still look at the moon with starry eyes
There is art in lost things
and the possibility of being found
People always find their way home in their own time
Sinaso is a South African writer and poet. Her poems are about healing, finding one’s voice in the world we live in. Her work has been published on a number of sites and anthologies such as Poetry Potion, Nthanda Review, Africa, UK, and Ireland: Writing Politics and Knowledge Production Vol 1.