Eid Mubaarak(1st of Shawwal,1440AH)
Eid Mubaarak(1st of Shawwal,1440AH)
At the beginning,
the mouths split
with the strength of the wind
and carries moist of evil talks
At the beginning,
the eyes balls in a beak
Of a hummingbird
and seek
blessings from his Creator
every word she speaks
today, it wets the ribs
And become a born happiness
Every word he speaks
today, it hangs in the air
and please the ears
like a love played
amidst the rays
within walls,
Allah’s messenger taught us
words that scroll in the tip
of the lips
and escape into the air
in dew of cheers—
Taqab-bala lahu Min-na wa minkum