FWGE Day 13: Akanni Mi by Ayorinde Ayotimofe Sharon
Akanni mi,
Those mornings while alone,
I craved an imaginary lover.
So many paintings that loved me
When no one else did.
I would mock my own stupidity;
I was in love with shadows,
& the thought of it made me brood,
And pass the night in tears.
Then you came around in a drama scene,
& all i wanted to do was to watch.
But this heart of mine would not let.
I struggled for weeks with crazy thoughts,
Hovering over my head and mind.
I wanted to try something new
And forget about whatever its outcome would be.
I never wanted to live with regret:
The regrets of not trying;
The regrets of denying my heart its desire-
I wanted to live, void of regrets.
& every night, I sleep with unconscious smile:
The one you placed in here.
Ayorinde Ayotimofe Sharon was born on the 28th month of February in the year 2001 to a family of five, a girl of so many words stuck in the throat but flows in the pen, in a world of many worlds.