Two poems by Chijioke Victor
Chijioke Okali Victor is a poet and a fiction writer. He hails from Umujiovu in Isi-Uzo local government Enugu state. Victor is the author of the BROKEN BODY and Co-Author, Sprinkles at the Horizon, a yet to be released anthology. His poems have featured in both national and international magazines and anthologies.
Below are two poems written by him: MY ODYSSEY & THE BROKEN BODY. Enjoy reading.
My Odyssey
I came from a country near the sun
Where seasons are defiled at their infantry
Yesterday I walked a path somewhere in the north
And saw my childhood songs woven into dialectic halls
Where little girls learn to love their tears,
And to wash their bodies off desires,
Last nights a woman raised her dreams to the sky with her tongue
And carried them in her arms and fall back to sleep
She has no light in her little hot,
She simply laid on the soft petals of her memories and left,
Suddenly rivers started flowing from her skin,
And her dreams changed into snake breaking bottles with her shiny tommy
Before the fat man blew the sun into the river.
The Broken Body
There is always a wet body on the floor, tracing the map to their root
A boy came from the east, and the sun burnt his shirt,
His dreams grew into shadows,
Holding their skins to the light
Often grasses grew on his head,and he hide in them and fight,
Last night he gathers the papers in his eyes and burn them into his bones
And in the morning he walks into the street smiling
He lost his tongue and teeth in a war within,
-Last night he flied to the sun to wash his skin clean of himself
Yet his legs are trapped in the heavy boots
He walks from banks to banks leaving his footprints as testimonies
Yet his body hangs somewhere beneath
Need to get in touch with Chijioke Victor? Send him an e-mail at chijiokevictor009@gmail.