Basic information you need to have about Hantavirus
Hantavirus is not a communicable virus and is only carried by some particular kinds of rodents. Educate yourself about the virus and don’t fall for rumours.
Hantavirus is not a new virus as it’s believed to have been in existence for several years. It’s not communicable and does not get transmitted from human to human. A person can, however, be infected if they get in contact with rodents’ faeces, urine and saliva.
The image shown below gives more insight into knowing the kinds of rodents that carry the virus.
According to Dr Sumaiya Shaikh, “the Hantavirus first emerged in 1950s in the American-Korean War in Korea (Hantan river). It spreads from rat/mice if human inject their body fluids. Human-human transmission is rare. There were even vaccines developed for it. Please do not panic unless you plan to eat rats.”
Although the disease is life-threatening, it doesn’t really pose any threat as it’s not easily contractible. Below are 4 additional tips with symptoms and precautions you need to stay aware of.