GOT A MANUSCRIPT? And you want to publish and distribute it? Let's show you how to do it right! SEE OFFERS!.

2020 Nelligan Prize For Short Fiction

Nelligan Prize presents an appealing opportunity for writers to be awarded $2000 for the most presentable short story.



It will be published in the fall/winter 2020 issue of Colorado Review.



Judge: Lori Ostlund.



NOTE: Student of judge, both current and former are not allowed to participate for this competition.



Entry Fee: $15 per story.




* Stories must be unpublished.

* No theme restrictions.

* 50 pages. (12,500 words).

* All entries must be typed and double-spaced.

* Winner will be announced mid June 2020..

* Competition is for everyone.



Content Opened: December 1st, 2019.



Deadline: March 14, 2020.



Submission tip:



Name, address, phone number and email address are to be entered in cover letter field.



These Informations should not embedded anywhere in the story.



Fee to enter online is $17. (Submittable charges).



To submit via mail:



Enclose check for $15 for each story. Checks should be made out to Colorado Review.



You can submit multiple stories in one envelope. Entries must be clearly addressed to:



Nelligan Prize

Colorado Review

9105 Campus Delivery

Colorado State University

Fort Collins, CO 80523-9105



For more info about this opportunity for writers, visit their website.


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