• Poetry: The Subtle Voice Of God by Owoade Jamiu Oladapo


    Title: Poetry: The Subtle Voice Of God
    Author: Owoade Jamiu Oladapo
    Year of Publication: 2020
    ISBN: 978-978-57691-9-1
    File Size (on disk): 1.15mb
    File Type: PDF

  • And Every Good Memory by Michael I. Ogbodo


    Title: And Every Good Memory
    Author: Michael I. Ogbodo
    Year of Publication: 2020
    File Size (on disk): 403kb
    File Type: PDF

  • Earth on a Wheelchair by Franklyn Orode & Somadina M. James


    Title: Earth on a Wheelchair
    Editor: Franklyn Orode (and Somadina M James)
    Publisher:Ā ACEworld Publishers
    Year of Publication: 2020
    File Size (on disk): 1.43MB
    File Type: PDF

  • Gender Equality (The Whole Truth) by Ogbe Onoja Nelson


    Title: Gender Equality (The Whole Truth)
    Author: Ogbe Onoja Nelson
    Year of Publication: 2020
    Genre: Prose
    : Amazon | OkadaBooks
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  • Songs from the heart by Akeem Soliu Eniola


    Author: Akeem Soliu Eniola
    Foreword: Tukur Ridwan
    Review: Yekeen Habeeb Olayide
    Genre: Poetry
    Year of Publication: 2020
    Publisher: ACEworld Publishers
    ISBN: 978-978-58196-5-6
    No. of Pages: 49
    Size: 1MB


  • Woman Of A Woman by Funke Awodiya


    Author: Funke Awodiya
    Title: Woman Of A Woman
    Genre: Poetry Collection
    Availability: Okadabooks
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  • Love Poem Anthology: A compilation of poems by hundreds of poets


    Initiator:Ā Cynthia Gentile
    File Size
    : 2MB
    Publication Date: May 31st, 2020
    Publisher: ACEworld Publishers
    Availability: ACEworld Bookstore
    ISBN: 978-978-981-576-0
    Language: English
    Price: FREE
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  • Girl In The Portrait by Samuel Amazing Ayoade


    ā€œGirl in the Portraitā€ is not just an ordinary novel but a novel with embodiments of thrilling concepts and its highly gratified suspense makes it a mystery to the reader. After reading the first chapter, the pen I was using to jot out some things paused, I paused, the manuscript paused and everyone around me paused! Why? Cause this storyline goes beyond our imagination of what a novel should be. However, this literary work is what a novel must be.

    Penning words on paper is not the only work of a good writer, he/she must know how to weave words that would make the reader glue to the story and that is what Samuel Ayoade did in this novel. His use of figurative expressions to garnish some sentences in the novel makes me want to read more. Not only that, he makes use of ā€˜Third Person Narrative techniqueā€™ to tell the story as a witness to the scenes portrayed in the novel and that act brought the idea of self-belonging to the senses of the reader. His knowledge of the literary works come to play when he incorporates the angle of explaining some literary terms in the novel. Therefore, if you are a writer and you need to learn some literary terms, just grab this book and read.

    There are much more to learn in this great literary work of Samuel Ayoade and I donā€™t think thereā€™s anyone who wouldnā€™t benefit from reading this book.

    ā€“ Adigun Temitope Idealism (Nigeria)
    Author, Lines on the seat (LOTS), Co-author, Adulthood is a scam
    Editor-in-chief, Black Pride Magazine

  • Chronicles of Orimiri and other stories by Precious Obiabunmo


    Precious Obiabunmo ‘s debut book comes with firm promise and delight. It is a collection of flash fiction stories, and a pocketful of poems with a thousand themes ā€” fantasy, love, youthful exuberance, rape, Igbo cosmology, campus life and so on.

    They are a sum up of her accumulated literary works over the years. This way, she allows us to see, and learn from her diverse views and reactions to the events around her through creative lens.

    Though concise, they are fresh and replete with humour so good enough to make your day.

    Her work is a masterpiece, solidly recommend for everyone.

    GENRE: Literary Fiction
    PAGES: 48
    BOOK TITLE: Chronicles of Orimiri and other stories.
    AUTHOR NAME: Precious Obiabunmo

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    Flames of Love, A collection of Poems by Olaniyi Ololade Moses


    Love is a complex subject. Its eclectic nature makes it an integral theme in philosophy, religion, social and nationalistic allegiances and interpersonal relationships. Oftentimes, it is difficult to differentiate between love and lust, between love for oneā€™s race and hatred for others. This polarity gives room for debate, thus opening acceptable views of love to questioning. For instance, central to the Christian faith is the concept of love, a sacrificial love for a noble idea. Shakespeareā€™s famous epic love story, Romeo and Juliet, is a celebration of romantic love, while Soyinkaā€™s Elesin Oba, is a dichotomy between self-love and duty ā€“ a suicidal undertaking for communal bliss. In Romeo and Juliet, love is treated as infatuation, a cause of mental illness and ultimately death. For love, Romeo was willing to kill and to die, a sharp contrast with Elesin Oba, whose love for life and pleasure makes him question the honor of his family in dying to preserve the throne.

    Title: Flames of Love
    Author: Olaniyi Ololade Moses
    Publisher: ACEworld Publishers
    Format: PDF
    Pages: 42
    File size: 450kb
  • Coffee Anthology; Initiated by Jide Badmus

    Coffee is a collection of poems centered on love as a significant part, being almost the neucleus of human life: everyone at some point in their life no matter the restraint and hindering environmental factors gets to exhibit their emotional nature. So when we are talking Coffee, we are discussing an inevitable part of our lives.


    Initiated by the electrical engineer who isn’t satisfied with cables and charges, that he had to find his way to dominate the literary hemisphere for couples of years now, Coffee anthology is however co-authored by several other brilliant and creative pen lords all over the space.
    Among them areĀ Osho Tunde, Pamilerin Jacob, Adeniran Joseph, Jaachi, Okeke Precious, Patience Agada, Temidayo Opeyemi Jacob, Tukur Ridwan Olorunloba, Ilami Princess Chineye and a host of others.

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  • Sale!

    Evergreen Oracle by Habeeb O Yekeen

    Original price was: ₦800.00.Current price is: ₦500.00.

    Evergreen Oracle is a beautiful account of appreciation, vision, mission, motivation, freedom, bitterness and love affairs to mention but fewer. This collection has series of themes in thirty three main headings. Each title makes its own invocations of the themes poet intended to convey. The work however, is garnished with literary symbolism hanging over ironies, allusion, elegies, adages, proverbs, alliteration, and rhythm with creative effect.

  • Prodigal Grace by Victoria O. Bamigbola

  • Guilty Pleasure: Overcoming Masturbation by Chikelu Collins Okwuchukwu


    Book Title: Guilty Pleasure
    Tag line: Overcoming Masturbation
    Author’s Name: Chikelu Collins Okwuchukwu
    Year of Publication: 2023
    Published on: Selar

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    A Practical Guide to Creating a Profitable Business

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    The Complete Network Engineer Handbook